17) 张世军:Physiological variation and correction of myocardial extracellular volume fraction (ECV) - calculation and preliminary application of expected ECV value, SCMR 20th Annual Scientific Sessions, 2017.02, 美国华盛顿D.C., 大会发言
18) 彭新桂: T1ρ and Dynamic BOLD MR imaging to evaluate the change of skeletal muscles of lower extremity in diabetes patients. 2017.04, the 25th Annual Meeting and exhibition of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2017), Honolulu, HI, USA, 大会发言
19) 王玉:PET imaging of brown adipose tissue using fluorine 18-labeled TSPO ligand DPA-714, the Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Medicine (SNMMI 2017), Denver, CO, USA, 大会发言
20) 蔡予:Administration of VCP, a new p38 MAPK Inhibitor, promoted recovery in diabetic stroke, the 53rd EASD Annual Meeting (第53届欧洲糖尿病研究协会年会), 2017.9, 葡萄牙里斯本,大会发言
21) 徐婷婷: Type 2 diabetes: induced MMPs promote pancreatic cancer progression, the 54rd EASD Annual Meeting (第53届欧洲糖尿病研究协会年会), 2017.9, 葡萄牙,里斯本,大会发言
22) 卢春强: The Grey Matter Density of the Thalamus correlateds with the Cirrhotic Indexes and Childpugh Score in Cirrhotic Patients: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (第25届国际医学磁共振学会), 2017.4, 美国,夏威夷,大会发言
23) 陆建: A Novel Irradiation Stent for Portal Vein Tumor Thrombosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, 第102届北美放射学年会 (RSNA 2016), 2016.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
24) 潘涛: Correlation of Height Restoration and Kyphosis with Clinical Outcome after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty in Patients with Vertebral Compression Fractures, 第102届北美放射学年会 (RSNA 2016), 2016.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
25) 冯英连: Quantifying Renal Lipid Deposition and Functional Assessment with MR imaging in Diabetic Nephropathy, 第102届北美放射学年会 (RSNA 2016) , 2016.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
26) 董冰清: Estimating the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes with Non-Contrast Enhanced Abdominal CT: Model Development and Initial Validation, 第102届北美放射学年会 (RSNA 2016), 2016.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
27) 崔莹: cerebral perfusion alterations in type 2 diabetes and its relation to insulin resistance and cognitive dysfunction, 第102届北美放射学年会 (RSNA 2016), 2016.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
28) 蔡予: Therapeutic efficacy of Treg in diabetic stroke: measurement with an ultrafast MMP activatable probe, 第102届北美放射学年会 (RSNA 2016), 2016.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
29) 张建琼: Optical neuronal MHC-I targeting peptide for early diagnosis of ischemic stroke in vivo, World molecular Imaging Congress , 2016.09, 美国纽约, 大会发言
30) 潘涛: Correlation of Height Restoration and Kyphosis with Clinical Outcome after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty in Patients with Vertebral Compression Fractures, 第72届韩国放射学年会 (KCR 2016), 2016.09, 韩国首尔, 大会发言
31) 高学仁: Quantitative assessment of the association between FEN1 polymorphisms and cancer risk, 26th World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, 2016.09, 韩国首尔, 大会发言
32) 仲斌演: Nomogram for Predicting Intradiscal Cement Leakage Following Percutaneous Vertebroplasty in Patients with Osteoporosis Vertebral Compression Fractures, 第102届北美放射学年会 (RSNA 2016), 2016.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
33) 仲斌演: Risk Prediction of New Adjacent Vertebral Fractures after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty for Patients with Vertebral Compression Fractures: Development of a Prediction Model, 第12届亚太介入放射学大会(APCCVIR 2016), 2016.04, 中国苏州, 大会发言
34) 彭程宇: Disrupted functional connectivity within the default-mode network in brainstem ischemic stroke patients with cognitive impairment, 第102届北美放射学年会 (RSNA 2016), 2016.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
35) 彭程宇: The aberrant low frequency fluctuation, regional homogeneity and functional connectivity of the PCC related to cognitive impairment in subcortical stroke patients: A resting-state fMRI Study, 2015 韩国放射学年会(KCR), 2015.09, 韩国首尔, 大会发言
36) 彭程宇: The similar aberrant spontaneous brain activity related to cognitive impairment in subcortical stroke patients: using two different resting-state fMRI analysis methods, 2015年北美放射学年会(RSNA), 2015.11, 美国芝加哥, 大会发言
37) 仲斌演: The ANVCFV Score System: Assessment for the Risk of New Vertebral Compression Fractures after Vertebroplasty in Patients with Vertebral Compression Fractures, SIR 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting(2015美国介入年会), 2015.03, 美国亚特兰大, 大会发言
38) 朱海东: A Novel Irradiation Stent in Malignant Biliary Tract Obstruction(MBO), 胰胆影像及介入国际论坛, 2015.04, 蒙古,乌兰巴托, 大会发言
39) 朱海东: Teaching Strategy to Residents, 第二届世界华人放射医师论坛(WFYCR 2015), 2015.03, 中国台湾, 大会发言
40) 居胜红: Role of p38 MAPK on MMP Activity in Ischemic Stroke as Measured by a Novel Fast MMP ActivatableNanoprobe, 第8届世界分子影像大会(2015 WMIC), 2015.09, 美国,夏威夷, 大会发言
41) 居胜红: Long-term Adverse Effects of Low-osmolar Compared with Iso-osmolar Contrast Media after Coronary Angiography: A Propensity Score Analysis, 2015年北美放射学年会(RSNA), 2015.11, 美国,芝加哥, 大会发言
42) 居胜红: Synergistic effects of transplanted endothelial progenitor cells and RWJ67657 in diabetic ischaemic stroke models, 2015 51st EASD Annual Meeting, 2015.09, 瑞典,斯德哥尔摩, 大会发言